Monday, December 31, 2012

Do We Know Them? - Letter by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos


December 29, 2012.

To whom it may concern up there above:

They think they are on the winning side ...
and so aside from being traitors, they are idiots.

Tyrion Lannister in A Song of Ice and Fire. Volume II:
"Clash of Kings". George R. R. Martin.

" - A reader lives a thousand lives before dying – said Jojen. -
One who never reads only lives one "

Reed Jojen Song of Ice and Fire. Volume V: "Dance Dragons ". George R. R. Martin. (Reed Jojen appears in the third season of the HBO series "Games of Thrones". The character will be played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Note provided by Marquitos Spoil).

-If someone draws a target on their chest
-Tyrion said after sitting down and taking a sip of wine-
they need to be aware that sooner or later they will be shot at with arrows.

-We all need to make fun of ourselves from time to time, Lord Mormont  -Tyrion replied shruging his shoulders - Otherwise, we begin to take ourselves too seriously.
Tyrion Lannister with the controls of the Night's Watch. In "Song of
Ice and Fire ", Volume I:" Game of Thrones ".

"An end to the handsome / it’s better to be ugly but tasty / than to be handsome and slimy"
Botellita de Jerez.

Ladies and gentlemen??

When we saw the news we thought it was a December 28th  practical joke, but we saw it was dated the 24th of the same month.

So, do we know them? Hmm ... hmm ... let's see:

Enrique Peña Nieto. Was he not born in Atlacomulco, Mexico State? Is he not the relative of Alfredo del Mazo and Arturo "long hands" Montiel?

Was he not the one who ruled, with the collusion of the PRD municipal government of Texcoco, during the eviction of the florists and the arrest of the leader of the People's Front in Defense of the Land, Ignacio del Valle, in May 2006?

Was he not the one who launched his attack dog and criminal, Wilfrido Robledo Madrid, to attack the town of San Salvador Atenco and ordered his police to sexually assault women? Was he not the mastermind behind the murder of Javier Cortes and Alexis Benhumea? Did the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation not rule that the three levels of government (note: federal government: PAN, state government: PRI, municipal government: PRD) committed serious violations of the population’s individual rights?

Is he not the one who made a tragic mockery of the case of the Paulette girl, better known as "the case of the mattress murderer"?
Is he not the one who bragged about police violence in San Salvador Atenco and with an arrogant attitude, forgetting that he was in front of young critics rather than a television set from his command post located in the bathroom of the Ibero, ordered the defamation of the dissenters that set off the student-youth movement later known as # yosoy132?
Is he not the one who, with his first act of governance and with the collusion of the PRD government in Mexico City, ordered the repression of demonstrators on December 1st of this year, which resulted in the arrest, torture, and imprisonment of innocent people?

Is he not the one who couldn’t  read well, not even with a teleprompter accompanying him, even before the media coup of July 1, 2012?

Is he not the one who now wants to hide behind the skirts of the alleged relatives of the repeatedly deceased, as if it were a crappy soap opera?

Hey, and while we’re talking about soap operas, what will be the fashion for the next six years? I mean, with Echeverría it was the guayabera; with Lopez Portillo, the aguas frescas; with De la Madrid, a gray rat; with Salinas de Gortari, Prozac; with Zedillo, bad jokes; with Fox, wisecracks; with Calderon, blood ... and Peña Nieto?? "True love"? Wooo ... for sure.

Ok, sorry, let us continue with our ignorance:

Emilio Chuayffet Chemor. Was he not Enrique Peña Nieto’s boss and his "teacher"? Was he not Ernesto Zedillo’s Interior Minister? Was he not the drunkard who, in 1996, told the federal government and the COCOPA that he accepted their bill and then later and hungover retracted? Was he not one of the masterminds of the  Acteal massacre in December 1997? Was he not the one that tried to impose the  "flirty pompadours" trend amongst the PRI and the only one who supported him was his then-pupil Enrique Peña Nieto?

Pedro Joaquin Coldwell. Was he not the government commissioner for peace in Chiapas when the Acteal massacre occurred who remained silent and continued to get paid by doing nothing?

Rosario Robles Berlanga. Was she not the head of government of Mexico City for the PRD? Did she not boast about the repression that her police committed several times against young students during the UNAM strike in 1999-2000? Is she not the one, while presiding over the PRD, who sold her party in every way? Is she not the one now in charge of the fight against the corporatism of the Bejaranos in Mexico City and throughout the republic?

Alfonso Navarrete Prida. Was he not the first who covered up the organized crime score-settling that resulted in the murder of Enrique Salinas de Gortari (psss, you guys don’t really get along, do you?) and then exonerated Arturo "long hands" Montiel?

Miguel Angel Osorio Chong. Was he not accused of diverting government funds to the PRI? Did the [Attorney General’s Office]PGR not open  criminal investigation PGR/SIEDO/UEIDORPIFAM/185/2010 to investigate his ties to the criminal organization "Los Zetas"? (Oh, change of strategy in the war on drugs?)

(Oops, I see now that one of the brothers of the undersecretary of Migration, Population, and Religious Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior, which Mr. Osorio Chong heads, has not one but several criminal  investigations. Several of them have the stamp "closed due to death of the accused ", then another stamp "was never dead”, and then another "well it turns out he is really dead" and so ... um ... 18 times. The last stamp "there goes the condemned" is dated on December 21, 2012, and a handwritten note says "pending activation, await instructions from CSG." ... hmm ... what would those initials stand for? Did they change the abbreviation for the Attorney General’s Office from PGR? Anyway , let the guy from Tampico know, ok?).

Ok sure, you all will tell me that these people are not in charge, but instead it is actually Carlos Salinas de Gortari who dictates what Enrique Peña Nieto does (ah, what would become of this country if the teleprompter were not invented?).

Ok, ok, ok. Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Is he not the one who plundered like no other the national wealth during his administration? (Yes, I know they are all thieves, but let's say there are amateurs and professionals). Is he not the one who devastated the Mexican countryside with the reforms to the Constitution’s Article 27? Is he not the one whose New Years toast we ruined in the dawn of 1994? Was he not the one who saw his dictatorial dreams shattered by wooden rifles? Was he not the one who ordered the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta? Was he not the one who looked ridiculous with his hunger strike in 1995? Or the one who, on December 21, frantically asked for the red phone: "What did they say, what did they say?" And who felt a chill in his back when they told him, "nothing, they are in absolute silence"?

Are you all not the ones who have always chosen violence over dialogue?

The ones who always use force when there is no reason?

The ones who pioneered corruption and contempt in all the political parties?

Are you all not those who have refused to comply with the San Andrés Accords that would mean the constitutional recognition of indigenous rights and culture, and an end to evictions disguised as mining, water, dam, resort, road, and subdivision projects?

Are you not the ones who, along with your friends in the political class, resemble those security advisers in large buildings, trying to convince the tenants of the middle floors, and high penthouse, that there is no danger while you dynamite the lower floors, the ground floor and the basement? By the way, does anyone believe them?

You, who have killed me so many times, declared me dead, extinct, defunct, deceased, disappeared, beaten, defeated, surrendered, bought, annihilated, do you think anyone will believe you when I truly, as in love, body, and soul am delivered to death and am just a little bit more earth on this globe?

If you have answered "no" to any of the questions, then you are right: we do not know you.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

Subcomandante Marcos.
Mexico, December 2012.

P.S. Who repeats. - I know you already know this, but you should remember: we're not afraid. Oh, and we're not alone.

1. - If they ask for money or projects from any of the 3 levels of government, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
2. - If they establish a direct line of communication without announcing it publicly beforehand, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
3. - If they ask to speak or are speaking directly with any of the three levels of government without announcing it publicly beforehand, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
4. - If they want an elevated position, appointment, honors, awards, etc.., THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
5. - If they are afraid, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
6. - If they sell out, surrender or falter, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
7. - If they take themselves very seriously, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
8. - If they do not cause chills when being seen, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA
9. - If they do not give the impression that they say more with their silence then they ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.
10. - If they are a ghost of those that fade, THEY ARE NOT ZAPATISTA.

P.S. APOLOGIES. - Oh, I know you expected something more serious and formal. But isn’t the style and tone of this "proof of life" letter better than a photo or video, and it’s even signed?

P.P.S . I LEAVE YOU WITH A HAIKU WRITTEN BY MARIO BENEDETTI TO SUPMARCOS: "I do not want to see you / for the rest of the year / or till Tuesday."

Translation: Clayton Conn
Original in Spanish posted here

Friday, November 30, 2012

Un naufrago de asfalto

Un naufrago en el estacionamiento ... basta de la playa de asfalto ... a las playas verdaderas ¡ya!
Shipwreck in the parking lot ... enough of the asphalt beach ... to the real beaches already! 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Siege of Televisa



 If the walls spoke in '68, why not now in 2012?
Televisa: Lie Factory
 Resistance Against the Imposition

 No to Tele-ocracy