(Stop All productive Activities! All to the National Strike!)
Poco audio sin editado
Little bit of audio unedited
La Asamblea Nacional de la Resistencia Popular, que nació de la lucha del SME y esta encabezada por SME se realizó una "Huelga Politica Nacional" - en contra la liquidacion de LyFC y la privitizacion, militarizacion, y represión del estado. Trabajadores del SME puso la bandera de huelga - rojinegra - en todas las instalaciones de LyFC entre todos los estados que tuvieron esa empresa estatal. También elementos y participantes de la Asamblea como sección 22 de los maestros de Oaxaca pararon trabajo y cerraron muchas calles principales en todo el pais de MéxicoPoco audio sin editado
Little bit of audio unedited
Aquí es la jornada de una rama de SMEistas, estudiantes, obreros, etc...
The Assembly of National Popular Resistance, that birthed from the SME struggle and is headed by SME implemented a "Political National Strike" - against privitization, militarization, and state repression. Workers of SME put the strike flag - red and black - on all the former installations of LyFC in all of the Mexican States that had that state company. Also elements and participants of the Assembly, such as section 22 of the teachers union from oaxaca, stopped work and closed many of the principle streets or highways within all of MéxicoHere is the days events of just one group of SMEistas, students, workers, etc.
Era el edificio y oficinas de LyFC - Ya esta ocupado por la Policia Federal.
(Light and Confidence)
Was the building and offices of LyFC - Now it is occupied by the Federal Police.
(Light and Confidence)
Was the building and offices of LyFC - Now it is occupied by the Federal Police.
(UNAM and SME - To defend the rights of SME is to defend the rights of ALL. With SME untill the final consequences!)
La accion fue, poner la bandera rojinegra en todas las installaciones, edificios y oficinias de LyFC
The action was, to put the Red and Black flag on all of the buildings, installations and offices of LyFC(The "patria" is no for sale/ "PFPerros" aka. PFP dogs out of SME!)
La marcha se fue al edifico del secretario del trabajo con elementos de seccion 22 del sindicato de Maestros de Oaxaca
The march went to the building of the secretary of labor with elements of section 22 of the Oaxacan teachers union.
Pusieron la bandera Rojinegra en el edificio de la secretaria de trabajo
They put the red and black flag on the building of the secretary of labor
They put the red and black flag on the building of the secretary of labor
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