Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Indyreader online (again)!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Ben Dangl - Dancing with Dynamite: Social Movements and States in Latin America

The book is about the dialouge, clashes and interactions between social and grassroots movements with leftist states in Latin America. The author, Ben Dangl, is an independent journalist that edits the web sites: y
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Audio of Raul Zibechi

Recorded in Baltimore, MD 11/4/2010 at Johns Hopkins University - Sponsored by Program in Latin America Studies at Johns Hopkins (PLAS), AK Press and Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse.
"A Native of Montevideo, Uruguay, Raul Zibechi became a militant of the Frente Estudiantil Revolucionario (FER) in the 70’s. In the 80’s he began his publishing career, writing articles for newspapers and magazines. Zibechi focused his writing on social movements in Latin America. He won the Premio José Martí de Periodismo, a prestigious prize given to journalists, for his writing on the Argentine social movement following the insurrection on the 19th and 20th of December 2001. Since beginning his writing career in the mid 80’s, he has collaborated on training and outreach work with movements including urban movements in Argentina, peasants movements in Paraguay and indigenous movements in Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Colombia. All his theoretical work, aimed at understanding and defending the organizational processes of these movements, is laid out in his book Dispersing Power (Dispersando el Poder) which has recently been published in English by AK Press." - PLAS Program on Latin American Studies at Johns Hopkins
Monday, November 1, 2010
resisting youth jail - resistir la carcel para los jovenes
Photo Essay of the 'Youth Justice Sunday' action on Oct. 31st:
Ensayo de foto de la acción en el 31 de octubre, ‘Justicia de la Juventud en Domingo’Construir comunidad y resistir el $104 millones centro de detención de jóvenes, planeado por la Ciudad de Baltimore

State government officials are planning construction of a new $104 million juvenile detentioncenter. This is a proposal moving forward when Baltimore City youth are facining a failing andunderfunded public education system - in which officials state there is a lack in resources andfunding - , the closing of public after-school and community youth programs, as well as anincrease in job precarity and youth incarceration.
However, the planned youth prison is not going unnoticed, a coalition of groups and individuals are moving to resist the development of the jail, as well as build community leadership and participation. Youth led groups such as Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle and the Baltimore Algebra Project were at the front of a march and rally held this past Oct. 31st, which brought the several hundred participants to the site of the youth jail (next to the existing youth and adult detention facilities), in which members of both organizations among other supporters engagedin civil disobedience by bolt-cutting and tearing down the locked gate surrounding the site. Theyplanted signs and placed books on the ground chanting "educate, not incarcerate!". The police however remained off to the side in unmarked vehicles and did not arrest.
Oficiales del estado están planeando la construcción de un nuevo centro de detención para los jóvenes en la ciudad de Baltimore, que va a costar $104 millones. Este es una propuesta en un proceso rapido, cuando hay un sistema de educación publica en crisis, que falta bastante recursos básicos y fondos necesarios. También hay menos programas después de clases, menos programas publicas para los jóvenes, y una precariedad de empleo además del crecimiento de las detenciones de jóvenes en la ciudad.
Sin embargo, el centro de detención planeado no esta pasando desapercibido, una coalición de grupos y individuos están moviéndose a resistir el desarrollo de la cárcel, además de construir mas participación de la comunidad. Grupos dirigidos por los jóvenes como los Lideres de una Lucha Linda (Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle) o el Proyecto de Algebra (Algebra Project) estaban en el frente de una marcha y mitin que paso el 31 de oct. con cientos de participantes, en frente del sitio de la cárcel planeado (al lado de los centros de detención para los adultos y jóvenes que ya existen). Miembros de ambas organizaciones y otrxs participaban en desobediencia civil, cuando cortaron las cerraduras de la puerta y destruyeron las rejas alrededor del sitio. Ellxs plantearon signos y pasaron libros en el suelo, gritando "Educar, no encarcelar!", pero la policía estaba afuera en sus caros sin marcas y no hacían detenciones.