Por mas historia y una cronología de los eventos lee debajo en otros submissiones
It has been a month since the liquidation of the national electrical company - Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC) - when elements of the Federal Police in the middle of the night closed the installations of the company and cut the jobs of more than 44,000 workers. Those workers are members of the Mexican Electricians Union (SME in spanish), one of the few Unions in México that has a strong history of militancy. After a month of rallies, blockades, assemblies, marches, and protests - on November 11, SME initiated with the support of hundreds of groups of workers, students, campesinos, civil organizations and hundreds of thousands of citizens, a Civic National Strike. In all of the country there was actions that above all was a show of serious force of the people struggling for justice, their rights and what posibilities that exist for a different world.For a history or timeline of the events look below at other posts.

Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE in spanish) - The other state company of electricity that, with help from the government and Federal Police, took the position of LyFC.

In front of what had been the installation of LyFC in D.F. México, There is still Federal Police occupying all of the installations of LyFC.

The Union of Telefonistas of the Mexican Republic (STRM in spanish) participated in solidarity with SME, by closing their installations and turning off telephone service. Martin Esparaza, the representative of SME and Mario Alberto Suárez Orduña, the represntative of STRM.

Brigades of worker took positions throughout many parts of the city. They gave information about the conflict and blocked streets. This group marched to the American Embassy.

At 4 in the afternoon, the march from the Angél (Monument) to the Zocalo began.

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