La toma simbolica de la ciudad de México(una referencia a cuando Emiliano Zapata y Francisco Villa tomaron la ciudad de México durante la Revolución), encabezado por el Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas, empezó a las 7 en la mañana con 4 caravanas desde las 4 entradas principales de la ciudad llegando al centro en la tarde, en Plaza Revolución.
-La caravana del norte se llama "Ricardo Flores Magón" con sindicatos, estudiantes, campesinos y gente de los estados Durango, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato y el Estado de México, llegó por la calle Insurgentes Norte.
-La caravana del sur se llama "Emiliano Zapata" con sindicatos, estudiantes, campesinos y gente de los estados Morelos y Guerrero llegó por la caseta Cuernevaca-México.
-La caravana la oriente se llama "Ejército Liberador del Sur" con sindicatos, estudiantes, campesinos y gente de los estados Chiapas, Oaxaca y Puebla llegó por la pista Zaragoza
-La caravana del poniente se llama "José María Morelos y Pavón" con sindicatos, estudiantes, campesinos y gente de los estados Jalisco, Nayarit y Sonora llegó por las calles Reforma y Constituyentes
The simbolic take of México City (a reference to when Emiliano Zapata and Francisco Villa took México City during the Revolution), lead by the Mexican Electricians Union, began at 7 in the morning with 4 caravans taking the 4 major entrances to the city, arriving in the afternoon to Plaza Revolución in the center.
-The caravan of the North called "Ricardo Flores Magón" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Durango, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato and the States of México arrived by way of the major road Insurgentes Norte.
-The caravan of the South called "Emilliano Zapata" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Morelos and Guererro, arrived by way of the highway Cuernavaca-México
-The caravan from the East called "Ejérecito Liberador del Sur (liberation army of the south)" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Puebla arrived by way of the highway called Zaragoza
-The caravan from the West called "José María Morelos y Pavón" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Jalisco, Nayarit y Sonora arrived by way of the major roads Reforma and Constituyentes
-The caravan of the North called "Ricardo Flores Magón" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Durango, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato and the States of México arrived by way of the major road Insurgentes Norte.
-The caravan of the South called "Emilliano Zapata" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Morelos and Guererro, arrived by way of the highway Cuernavaca-México
-The caravan from the East called "Ejérecito Liberador del Sur (liberation army of the south)" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Puebla arrived by way of the highway called Zaragoza
-The caravan from the West called "José María Morelos y Pavón" with students, unions, campesinos and people from the states of Jalisco, Nayarit y Sonora arrived by way of the major roads Reforma and Constituyentes

I followed the caravan called "Liberation Army of the South" in the highway Zaragoza with people from Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Puebla. At 8 in the morning and we are waiting. It began with less than 100 people (Mostly SME workers)

Entering the city and uniting with section 22 of SNTE (Teachers Union of Oaxaca that struggled with strength in 2006 and continue to struggle)
On December 4th 1914 during the Mexican Revolution, the folk heroes - Emilano Zapata and Franciso Villa - take México City
50,000 personas de Oaxaca llegaron

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