(Secondary School - Autonomous Rebel - Zapatista January 1st)Hubo una presentacion en el espacio de
2640 (cooperativa de eventos) con la participacion de
Red Emma's. La platica, han presentado por Patricia Hernandez de la Organizacion Zapatista "Educacion para la Liberacion de Nuestros Pueblos (OZELNP) y Stuart de la
Red de Solidaridad con Mexico (MSN en ingles), sobre la cartografia social y educacion popular y autonoma.
There was a presentation in the
2640 space (events cooperative) with participation from
Red Emma's. The discussion, presented by Patricia Hernandez from the Zapatista Organization "Education for the Liberation of our Peoples (OZELNP in Spanish) and Stuart of the
Mexico Solidarity Network (MSN), was about social cartography and popular/autonomous education.
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