Los dos hombres descansando en la ala nos dijeron...hace unos años el ejerecito mexicano disparó y chocó el avión en el medio dia, un avión de narcotraficantes. El avión se cayó en la playa, los narcos huyeron a la selva de la laguna cerca, y los "autoridades" encontraron el avión llena de cocaina, billetes americanos, y armas. Supuestemente Ventanilla y las playas cerca son partes de las rutas do los narcos contrabandeando. Hay las ruinas de barcos, y otros medios de transportacion en Ventanilla y cerca.
Ventanilla Beach is a virgen beach on the Oaxacan coast in México, there you can find crocodiles, iguanas, turtles and their children, infinite skies, sunsets of all colors, tubular waves...truly a paradise....but also you can find the bodies of boats and in this case a plane.
The two men resting on the wing told us...a few years ago the Mexican Army shot and crashed a Narcotrafficers plane. The plane crashed on the beach and the narcos escaped into the jungle close to a nearby lagoon, the "authorities" found the plane filled with cocaine, american cash, and weapons. Supposedly Ventanilla and the sorounding beaches are points in the routes of the narcos smuggling. There are runins of boats and other means of transport in Ventanilla and nearby.

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